Saturday, November 2, 2013

Life Update

After reading the last post I wrote in April, I have a few things to update you all on.

First things first, I have had 2 refereed conference publications!!!! Woo-hoo!!! The first one is titled "Applying Behavioral Strategies for Student Engagement Using a Robotic Educational Agent," and was published at the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. The actual conference was held Oct. 13-16th in Manchester, England! I was also 1 of 5 students selected as a finalist for the best student paper award :) I had to give an additional presentation of my work in a special session with all the finalists. Even though I didn't win, it was still an honor being selected and great practice for future presentations to come. While in Manchester, I was able to get away for a day and visit London and this city is gorgeous! I definitely have to go back to visit one day.

My second paper was titled "Engaging Children in Math Education Using a Socially Interactive Humanoid Robot," and was published at the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. This conference was held Oct. 15-17th in Atlanta, GA. Because the dates conflicted with the previous conference, my labmate was kind enough to attend and present my work in my absence. Along with my labmates, I have also contributed to a book chapter, and I am in the process of writing another conference paper, as well as a journal :) Let's just say, school is going great right now!

As far as exercising goes...I fell off the triathlon movement :/ BUT, I have still been working out. The triathlon has only been postponed, and I will pick that back up ASAP. In the meantime, I have a 5K race next weekend in Charlotte, NC. My friend and I will be doing the Color and Glow Race. I've been training for about a month now, so I think I'm ready for the challenge.

And last but not least....I am now an auntie!! My niece Maxine was born Sept. 25th at 4:03PM and was 5lbs 15oz 19in :) Since then, I have been home twice to spoil her!! I'm soooooooo happy for my sis and brother-in-law!!!! They are going to be really great parents, and I will be the favorite aunt :)

Well I'm going to keep this short and TRY to check in regularly. So until next time, TOODLES :-*


  1. Yep! Definitely the favorite aunt :)

    I didn't know about all those other publications, go you!? I'm proud of you!
