Friday, March 30, 2012

To whom much is given, much is required...

This past month has been truly amazing. So many blessing to be thankful for, and I thank God for it all. First I was accepted to the CRA-W Grad Cohort Program, then I was selected to be a SLIDER mentor this summer, then I was offered a position to teach a robotics class in a K-12 summer program, and just today I was awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship!!!! This is great!! I have been smiling ear to ear all day!!!! So basically this NSF Fellowship will fund 3 whole years of my graduate studies -- tuition and a monthly stipend!! Now I can focus strictly on my studies and not these bills getting paid.

{Sidenote} I feel like I only update you all on the good things in my life. Trust and believe, I have had my share of rejections with fellowships, exams, and conferences, but I do not let that stop me. I apply to any and everything that has the slightest possibility to help me attain my goals and future career. Every "NO" that I receive just means that I'm that much closer to that "YES," and it motivates me to keep pushing!

Now with all that said..."To whom much is given, much is required." It's time for me to buckle down and change the world!!! I have been given all the tools to do what I need to do, now it's time for me to execute!! Listen to my anthem ;-)

With love,

Future Dr. Brown

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1st =)

A day filled with a lot of good and bad news...very eventful to say the least. Well for starters, today is Thursday, so we all know that means I had a busy day. I was able to get my homework completed in a timely manner today...still was a product of procrastination, but it was only 1 question instead of the usual 4 or 5. In addition, today I was accepted to attend the CRA-W Graduate Cohort Workshop in Bellevue, Washington in April! I've never been to Washington before and Bellevue is approx. 20 minutes from Seattle so I definitely have to visit (especially after watching Grey's anatomy faithfully on Netflix lol).

My sister sent me a $100 gift card to Best Buy in the mail today!!! Brittany is the best everrrrrrr :) I have been instructed to buy Zumba Rush and Just Dance 3 for my Xbox Kinect, and I will do just that....when I return from the windy city!!!!! Yep yep, headed there in t-6 hours...and I still need to pack. I just looked at the forecast though and it looks no bueno:/ It was 75 degrees today in Atlanta. Now I'm going to Chicago and it's supposed to snow!?!? I'm going to be sick; I can see it already.

Now for the bad news...I found out that my grandma was admitted to the hospital because she has pneumonia and her kidneys are failing :( I wish I were home with the fam right about now; I'm praying for a speedy recovery.

Goodnight all.

With love,

Vonda B.